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Equitable Stroke Control

Adjust your strokes before you post your scores! The WPLGA requires you post an acceptable score every tim you play meaning you adjust your score before you post. Be sure to adjust your score according to your course handicap for the course you are playing rather than your index handicap.


on any hole where you have a score higher than what you are allowed to post, you must reduce the score for posting purposes. Example: My Course Handicap is 24. The gross score for my round was 101. I scored an 11 on one. According to the chart, when I post, I may only score an 8 for that hole. I must subtract 3 from my gross score before I post. I must do this for every hole where I have a score higher than what I am allowed to post. This is the only hole that I must adjust on that day. I must calculate my adjusted score. A gross score of 101 minus 3 adjustment = 98. I post 98, which is my adjusted score.


Eighteen -Hole Course Handicap

Course Handicap


9 or less

     10 through 19

     20 through 29

     30 through 39

40 or more

Maximum Number you may post for any hole.


Double Bogey





The table below may help you to remember the maximum score you are allowed to post for a hole. Those with Course Handicaps of 9 or less may post no more than a Double Bogey for any hole.

Those with Course Handicaps of 10-17; 20-29; 30-39 40 or more - add 6 to the first number of your course handicap. 

Maximum Strokes Per Hole Example

Your Course Handicap






Easy Way - Maximum Score


1 + 6 = 7

2 + 6 = 8

3 + 6 = 9

4 + 6 = 9

Maximum Score you can post for a hole






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